Chapter 413: “I’m Right here, Your royal Assness” Hellboy Vs. Prince Nuada Silverlance.

(“You may have mused in the past, am I mortal?” Prince Nuada mortally wounds Hellboy)

(Hellboy down… Hellboy down!)

In Hellboy’s room…

It was during the still silence of the night. It was of course early early morning and with all that has happened till that moment. Everything was going on so so fast and the more momentum that was amassed. The more acceleration that was gained… it made things more harder for anyone of them to hold on tight and not fall off. As it was by that time, Macie had not slept. She was as it was running on fumes and she was near dead on her feet. The thing that managed to keep her going… was the sheer adrenaline. But there was a question as to how exactly would it last. How long would it hold out and would Macie make it for much longer? Abe and Hellboy though were still in Hellboy’s room and looking right at Liz. Looking at her and watching the sight of her. It was like watching peace in the making. Every loving peace. It wasn’t gonna last long though.

Abe: *To Hellboy about Liz* Listen, listen Red … I know what’s going on with Liz. Red …

Liz: Abe!

Abe: I am sorry, he has to know…

Liz: Abe!

Hellboy: Know what?

Unfortunately, before anything more could be said…

Macie came down the hall suddenly as she was deeply concerned about the Princess and about Abe…

She came singing… an alert…

Macie: *In a panic* We got trouble in BPRD Land. We got trouble and its name has the elven prince written all over it. We got trouble. Trouble in paradise. I don’t know if anyone will respond to this… but if anyone’s awake… we got trouble… *Worried* Sweet mother of mercy… we are under a possible infiltration of a Elven kind. Nuala’s in danger. Someone… help. Help!

Abe: *Gasps* Good heavens… We gotta get to her. Now.

The Alarm woke up Macie’s cousin Pidgetta, Howard, T.Chen, Gene, Joanna and then also… it woke up the fan club… It woke them all up. Looks like there’s gonna be trouble.

Pidgetta Gerald-Holmes (Lightfoot by Bloodline)

Pidgetta: *Waking up and on alert* Okay… What the hell is going on?

Howard: *Waking up fast and startled* Huh… hu… What’s going on?

T.Chen: *Looking in the room* Where’s Macie? Where is she?

Howard: I don’t know.

Joanna: She never came to bed last night. It’s Early morning now and she’s still out and awake. But something’s happened.

Ridge: *Getting up and looking for Macie* My Fiance isn’t here. She’s out roaming around and while there’s likely danger within the halls somewhere? Are you kidding me?

Joanna: How nice of you to worry. She’s only been out and busy for the last few hours.

Pidgetta: Plus… Why would it concern you? You want to be with her so you can complicate her life even more?

Ridge: Pidgetta, That is enough from you. *Suddenly walking over and standing up to her* I am done explaining myself to you. You are excessively on my case and have been ever since we returned from the case that revolved those monstrous Tooth Fairies. I’m done being tolerant and understanding. You have a problem with me that much… Then tell you what… When we all get back to Metropolis… I’ll walk and avoid Macie all together and that way you won’t have to see me again. Then when she doesn’t hear from me anymore and starts asking why… You can be the one to tell her why i’m not around anymore.

Pidgetta: Ridge, Knock it off. You are trying to push the blame away. Why don’t you shut the f**k up and take your punishment like a man? You got my cousin… Pregnant. Outta Wedlock! WEDLOCK! You are her Fiance. That’s fine. But what you did was complicate her life. She is only 16 years old. She has a tour that is only 3 1/2 months away. You have any idea as to how much prepping she has to do for the tour? Try a truck load. She’s got local appearances to attend to. Possibly. Then there’s the Meet and greets and the face time. And of course the press releases. She’s also gonna be trying to promote her first CD. Which is till the books are open for her to do recordings to put together a Second CD. Well Thanks to you… She’s gonna be unable to. Yes. She is as guilty as you are… but both of you should have known better. She is my cousin. It’s my prerogative to be very protective of her. You got her pregnant. You’re gonna be at her beck and call. Without question. When she’s in need of something… You’re gonna be there. But i will warn you… If you do anything more to hurt her… This verbal lecture won’t be the only thing you see. You will be needing to worry on how your ass will be kicked. You understand me?

Joanna: That goes double for me. Ridge, you’re part of Macie’s life. We are okay on that. But come on… Macie deserves better. You made her happy. She’s completely in bliss. That’s not a secret. But for god’s sake. You couldn’t just… you know… wait for till after you and her got wed. Before doing it. Impregnating her. Because now that you did… and it was before being married… Now she’s got some hard choices to make. Ones that she won’t be able to make with total focus. She’s gonna be distracted. By her career. And also now the evident life forms within her. You do realize that we’re gonna have to call out to her doppelganger. The one that looks indeed just like her. Don’t you?

Ridge: Yeah. But it’s all fine. Because you guys made your point. That all i am doing is ruining Macie’s life. So i’m gonna see on doing you all the favor. When we are back in Metropolis… I’m gonna give back the engagement ring and i’m walking. So… Let’s not try to be all buddy buddy. Let’s just finish this ordeal and then as soon as it’s over… i’ll be out of your lives. I’m done. *Making his way out* Pidgetta. You won. I’m throwing up the white flag. I surrender.

Pidgetta: *Marching to face Ridge* Ridge… that’s the last straw. *Standing in front of him* Ridge, I am not saying that i want you to leave my cousin. I am not telling you that you should. But i am very upset with you. If you were to know why… you’d understand. Remember what Jessie told you that happened between him and I… in our talk? It’s true. loving someone who’s unique and kinda famous isn’t always the easiest thing to do. It sometimes proves to be hard because there are things that come and you have to find some way to learn on how to deal with it… In case you forgot and clearly you keep forgetting and i… swear to god… i don’t get why you’d forget. You heard it enough. I am attached to my cousin Macie. More than normal. Why that is… It’s because she’s the closest thing that reminds me of my mother. Loving. Caring. Peace and devoted. Wise. Losing Macie for any reason would kill me. I lost my mother the other month and around the end of last year… I lost my father to a heart attack. I don’t have parents of my own. I have nobody. Macie’s the closest thing to a mothering aura that i have. In a cousin. She’s innocent. Sincere. Wise and very intelligent in her unique way. So… Next time you happen to court with her… Remember that. Macie is deeply important to me. I can’t lose her. So you have to understand… that when you and her are together… Anything that happens to her… worries me. Because losing her would truly kill me. I can’t handle it.

Ridge: Sure you can’t. You have made it no secret that you would rather do anything to ride on her coattails. Plus you made no secret that you can fend for yourself. With little to no help from anyone. You lost your mother. I’m sorry to hear that… I really am. But you taking out your frustrations and worries on me. Blaming me for things constantly like it’s always my fault. It’s cruel and uncalled for. Plus… I don’t deserve to be treated in that way.

Pidgetta: I’m sorry.

Ridge: You damn well should be. I wouldn’t be treating you like that. I don’t do that. To anyone.

It was gonna need some time to have the rift mended. But from the way it looked… there was a start. But they couldn’t stop and speak of it. Macie had sounded the alarms and people were needed to respond.

In the Library…

The Princes was about to push the emergency signal alarm when Nuada managed to nab her arm and stop her. Before looking at her and with a plea as if asking why…

Prince Nuada: Why?

Princess Nuala: You know why. You’re dead set on trying to awaken an uncontrollable army. You really think that they can be controlled by a crown? They can’t. They have no loyalty. No guilt or pain. Nothing.

Prince Nuada: The humans are the ones with no loyalty.

Nuala: *To Abe* Stay back! Abraham! No, don’t. He’ll kill you.

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Abe: Princess?

Nuada: *Looking to see Abe* Abraham! *To his sister* You talk to him like that? *Subduing his sister and with a blade against her face*

Abe: No!

Nuada: I will kill you, Abraham … and anyone else if that is necessary.

Hellboy: Well … Then why don’t you just start with me? Your Royal Ass-ness! *Sliding down the stairs* Who put those there?

Nuada: And your weapon of choice?

Hellboy: Five fingered Mary.

Nuada: *To Nuala* You move and I kill your Abraham first.

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Prince Nuada had started to fastly twirl his weapon around. He was dead set in making a move.

But within seconds…

Macie: *Coming into view and looking at Nuada* Prince Nuada… What are you doing? Stop this! It isn’t funny.

Nuada: Sorry, Macie… But This is how it has to be. You might one day understand that some things are doomed to happen. No matter how it is that you try to stop them from happening. They happen still just the same.

Macie: But i can’t allow for this to happen. You can’t do this. You just can’t.

Pidgetta: *Coming into view from behind the agents* What the hell is going on? Who’s that making all this noise?

Howard: *Looking at the Elven Prince* Uh-huh. Now i’ve seen just about everything. It’s not enough that we’re here to handle this dilemma and prevent some army from being brought to life. But now we have to tolerate this screwball. That’s great. *Looking at Gene* Gene, Start making the arrangements. Whether or not Macie wants to leave and head back to Metropolis… We’re escorting her back there… as soon as possible. We’re not to have her put up with anymore of this. As it is… It’s inflicting possible stress on her and it’s possibly doing some damage upon the hairless bundles of joys within her.

Gene Samuels

Gene: I’ll start making the necessary arrangements. Don’t know if i’ll get through to anyone at this hour. But i’ll start making some calls.

Gene started making calls as he walked out down the halls…

But Hellboy was gonna be fighting the Prince. Only issue was that With the Spear being used to fight. Hellboy… may just face himself with a very uncertain fight. One that may just be out of his league.

Abe: *To Hellboy* Red, you mustn’t harm the prince.

Hellboy: What?

Abe: If you hurt him,  you hurt princess.

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Hellboy: *Trying to fight Nuada off* You’ve gotta be kidding me.

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Nuada: *To Nuala* Will you give me the crown piece?

Nuala: No.

The Prince was demanding the crown piece. He was making it no secret that he was seeking to attain the final piece and didn’t care as to how he was to get it. He was with the upper hand on Hellboy. Placing it where Hellboy couldn’t evade and counter. The Prince was wielding that spear’s blade and it was doing some unprecedented blows against Hellboy. Macie was watching and she was in line for starting to shed tears. She was seeing this violence and wanted to stop it. But how. How could she make it go away? She only had her singing talent and dance. Or maybe a 9mm Glock to use to shoot at the Prince. Although she wasn’t about to do that as for what Abe just declared… If anyone were to harm the Prince… do any injury upon him… The Princess would thereby submit under the same fate. She’d feel the same effects as the Prince. But then there was also the part where she felt the Prince’s heart. Felt the hurt and pain he had to have been feeling. Knew what it had to be like to have something taken from you. Losing something. Whether it be a possession that was close to the heart… A person, A Home, Lifestyle… OR something like an entire race of people.

Macie wasn’t the only one watching though. Turns out that the fan club were also there watching. The Alarm had awoken them and leave it to them to be just as ever curious about what the heck was going on. The alarms woke them up and of course… sprung them to being as alert as Macie was. Poor Macie… She was seeing the brutality of races fighting one another. Whether it be creatures of the mystical, magical, Exotic, or of the human kind persuasion. The insides of her were bawling. On the outside… she was refusing to let herself fall to the ground in sobs. She just could not do it. She had to be strong and hang on. It however… didn’t drag the Fighters out of bed. They were already with the decision of calling it quits over the fact that they were still sulking over what happened in Brooklyn hours before. But it did drag Bart to action and also got to Jessie. He was part of Macie’s Entourage so you know he’d be there. Why not? He was atoned to it all.

But what got the fighters outta bed was the P.A overhead chiming an alert. It got their attention and pushed them to just say… “Screw it. Let the people say what they wish. We do what we do because it’s right. If they don’t like us… that’s their problem. Not ours.” They got up and went to where the situation was. That was right when the fight really got bad…

Nuada: *To Nuala* The piece!

The Prince had then whacked Hellboy… whacked him good. Smacking him and pummeling him. Every time Hellboy tried to ward off the blade, The Prince changed sides and then changed again… and again. Making where Hellboy couldn’t get a hit in. Anywhere. Nuada used the spear to smack Hellboy and it send him flying. Flying and crashing into the nearby table and break it. Hellboy got up fast but as fast as he got up… Nuada marched over and went at it again. And again… and…again. Macie as being tolerant as she could ever be and as loving as she was… She suddenly felt herself go and let out a plea…


Nuada: Not till i have the piece. Macie, Why do you care so much about a devil like man such as him? He is a mystical creature. You’re a human. Humans are not meant to care. Why are you caring for one not of your own kind?

Macie: Because i have love in my heart and i am not… going to be made to regret it. I don’t regret it one bit. i even told you that once before. I don’t turn away from anyone. I have respect for magical creatures, Mystical… Humans… one and all. I Know that you’re hurting. You want Justice for what became of your kind centuries ago…. You want satisfaction. but can’t you even see how wrong this is? This isn’t the way to do it. This isn’t how you get it. It’s only causing more pain and it’s only gonna make matters worse. Please! Stop this.

Hellboy: *Standing and panting* Abe?

Abe: Red, I am so sorry, But they’re linked!

Liz: What’s going on? Red!

Kelly S. Someone’s gotta stop this. This is getting to be more violent.

Sandy: How can we stop this? We can’t do anything to stop it. Macie’s not able to either. She can’t. The two are linked. That Princess and the Prince are linked.

Delilah: So… what? We’re here to just watch and do nothing. Macie’s in agony right now. She’s watching this type of violence. It’s hurting her.

Rebecca: Isn’t someone gonna do something?

Crimson: What can we do? There isn’t anything to be done. That Prince… has that spear and is very professional in wielding it. He’s twirling it all over the place like he’s a member of the color squad.

Brittany: Color Squad? Him? Crimson, That guy would never make the team. He’s too agile and way too wild. That spear… is a vicious weapon. It’s gonna kill someone.

Gloria: Who?

Winifred: Do you dare ask?

That was when suddenly Liz came through and made her way to the front.

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Hellboy: Liz!

Liz: Behind you!

It was then as he turned around that Nuada stabbed him with the spear. Lodged it half way into him before…

Nuada: You may have mused in the past, am I mortal? *Snapping the spear off and it shapes itself.* You are now.

MacIe saw the attack and hellboy was thereby wounded. He then started to collapse…

Macie: *Quivering* Oh no… No!

She Ran over to Hellboy…

Macie: *Kneeling beside Hellboy* Hellboy… Hellboy… Red… Don’t you dare die on us. Don’t you dare. *Starting to break down* Not now…not here. *Sobbing* Oh no! No! NOOOO!!!! *Seeing Hellboy starting to lose consciousness* Oh… no. *To the agents* You guys… Get over here now… Hellboy’s wounded. He’s hurt. GET OVER HERE NOW! *With Tears in her eyes* … *Pulling out her phone* I got a Doctor that is on my Payroll… but right now i don’t give a flying crap about who’s under who. *Calling the doctor* Doctor Hawkeye, I need you. Now. Come to the Library. We have wounded and a medical assistance is needed now. Hellboy’s hurt and has been wounded. Please… HURRY!

Doctor Hawkeye: *Through the phone* I’m on my way. I’m bringing my medical kit with me. Good thing i got it too… it would come of help in case you were to be in need of it. Be right there.

Macie: Thank you.

Liz: *Coming fast over to macie and holding Hellboy head up a little* Macie… It’s gonna be alright. It’s gonna be fine. We’re gonna get him help.

Macie: *Sobbing* How could the Prince do this? Why does he have to be so cruel?

Liz: I don’t know.

But it was then that the fan club came over and grabbed some stuff to lay before hellboy and had them place his head down on it softly. Keeping it elevated.

Hellboy was fighting the urge of blacking out. Trying to keep lucid. But he was passing out.

Nuada: *To Abe* Abraham, Many people have died for this crown. He will too. If you want to save him, and see her again, you will find the missing piece and bring it to me.

Hellboy closed his eyes and the reopened then to see both Nuada and Nuala gone. How he was able to just vanish like that… was very bizarre.

The Fighters didn’t know how to help. But it was then that they left back to their quarters and got to talking. It was clear that something was going to happen and they were gonna need to make a move…

Sapphire and Raven looked at the crew and started with talking about how to go after the attacker. They wanted answers and wanted them now.

Back at the Library…

Doctor Hawkeye: *Coming in with a medical Kit* Okay… Where’s the patient? *Seeing Hellboy* Oh boy… this one’s a big boy.  With a stone right hand and a tail. Looks like this one’s got the works of mardi gras of the celtic nature. *Walking over to tend to Hellboy* Okay fella… Let’s get you checked out there, okay?

Liz: Will you be able to help?

Doctor Hawkeye: I don’t know, Liz. But i’ll swear on giving over my best try. *Getting out his BP Machine and securing the cuff on Hellboy* Better check his BP.  Just for precaution. *Running the BP Machine and checking the vitals* Hmm… High blood pressure and yet… still rolling phat with the muscles a plenty… This guy’s a fighter. Forget the fact that he’s half a devil and likely got himself some Demon blood. He’s hooked with the strength of 20 men with that stone hand. What did you do with him? Feed him stones and Gold nuggets? Or Diamonds?

Brittany: Is there anything we can do?

Doctor Hawkeye: Have the agents there find this bad boy a stretcher or gurney… We’re gonna take this big monkey here to the medical bay.

Gloria: *Nods* You got it doc. Coming up.

Macie: *Sobbing* …

Ridge: *Running over to Macie* Macie… *Kneeling down beside Macie* Hon, Are you okay?

Macie: *Crying into Ridge’s arms* …

Ridge: *Hugging his fiance* It’s gonna be okay. Hellboy’s gonna be just fine. Macie, It’s okay.

To be continued…

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